The City of Raleigh is in the process of rezoning approximately 30% of the City. This rezoning will update the official zoning map to reflect the new zoning districts adopted in the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The UDO is a complete rewrite of the existing zoning code, which governs land use. The interactive map below allows users to view existing and proposed zoning districts.

The Planning Commission finished its review of zoning case Z-27-14 – UDO Zoning Remapping on April 14. The City Council received the Planning Commission’s recommendation at Council’s April 21 meeting. On May 19, City Council voted to finalize the Proposed Zoning Map for Public Hearing. The finalized map is shown in the “Proposed Rezoning Map for Public Hearing” section below. See the section titled “Roadmap to Adoption” for full details on the review and adoption process.

The City Council has scheduled the Official Zoning Public Hearing:

Tuesday, July 7, 2015
7:00 p.m.
City Council Chamber, Rm 201
Avery C. Upchurch Municipal Center
222 W. Hargett Street

The public hearing will be widely advertised. All affected property owners and owners of properties within 100 feet of the parcels proposed for rezoning (as determined from the Wake County tax listing) will be sent a first class mailed notice describing the proposed rezoning and the time and place for the public hearing. Additionally, there will be legal notices published in the newspaper, and public hearing signs will be posted throughout the areas where the rezoning will take place.

